2021 Meeting Minutes
2020 Meeting Minutes
2019 Meeting Minutes
2018 Meeting Minutes
2017 Meeting Minutes
2016 Meeting Minutes
2015 Meetings
2014 Meetings
Below are some bullet-points that summarise some of our discussions and decisions over the year. For fuller details, please read the minutes, which we keep as a short and easy to read as possible.
- We agreed on the need for a linked evaluation process for both the secretary General and Governing Board (19 January minutes)
- We agreed a Governing Board Vision of where we wish to see the organization in 2020 (15 February minutes)
- We agreed how we would share our vision with Committees and invite their input (27 February – 03 March minutes)
- We approved updated financial procedures (27 February – 03 March minutes)
- We considered the results of the survey that went to all members of the new structure, which were generally very positive. We agreed that we will use the results as a benchmark and repeat the process in early 2015 (27 February – 03 March minutes)
- We agreed on the need to consult with Members on growth and vision; this will start at the Regional Meetings in 2014 (27 February – 03 March minutes)
- We will propose to Members that the Governing Board are responsible for electing new members to the Board of the CISV International Insurance Company. (15 March minutes)
- We agreed to hold a second meeting of the Committees in 2015, given the demands of the first year of the new structure. The meeting will be held in October. (15 March minutes)
- We asked the Chapter Development Committee to work with CISV China on a development plan. (03 May minutes)
- We approved revised Research Project Approval and Guidelines (03 May minutes)
- We agreed a timeline for an International Office location study (03 May minutes)
- We accepted a proposal for the development of a Communications and Fundraising Plan (24 May minutes)
- We approved the expenditure on the development and use of a professional registration system, which will be used for the Global Conference and Regional Meetings and Regional Training Forums (30 June minutes)
- We will resume the Volunteer of the Year Awards in 2015, with award winders to be announced at the Global Conference (30 June minutes)
- We agreed the guiding principles and timeline for a Mission and Growth Review, to feed into our strategic planning process (17-20 July minutes)
- We approved the renaming of the Europe region to Europe, Middle-East and Africa (17-20 July minutes)
- We asked the Training and Quality Assurance Committee to develop a proposal for how risk management can be incorporated into the planning of programmes and activities (17-20 July minutes)
- We approved an evaluation process for the Secretary General; a similar process is to be developed for the Board and bought to us for approval (17-20 July minutes)
- We discussed the impact of significant losses made by one of our NAs and agreed some measures to offset them (16 August meeting minutes)
- We discussed the need for a higher level of coordination for the Global Conference (16 August meeting minutes)
- We approved a motion from the Training and Quality Assurance Committee to implement a mandatory Combined Insurance Policy (16 August meeting minutes)
- We welcomed new Trustees, Daniel Edelshaim and David Kruse-Pickler, and thanked outgoing Trustees John Gayoso and Arthur Carvalho. (3,12 and 21 September minutes)
- We agreed changed and new roles for 2014-15, including: Chair of Governing Board, Max; Chair of Training and Quality Assurance Committee, Leah; Chair of Chapter Development Committee, Juanca; Chair of Resources and Infrastructure Committee, Daniel; Chair of Conference and Events Committee, David; Chair of Educational programmes Committee, Soli; and Global Conference Liaison, Flo. (3,12 and 21 September minutes)
- We agreed the setting up of a special Working Group for the Global Conference; this Working Group will work closely with the Conference and Events Committee and report to David as Chair of that Committee and Flo, as Global Conference Liaison. (3,12 and 21 September minutes)
- We agreed to put before the Members our decision to implement a Combined Insurance Policy, as this would constitute an increase in fees beyond the annual rate of inflation. (3,12 and 21 September minutes)
- We assigned Board members to vacant roles: Bjørn – Vice-Chair, Daniel/Resources & Infrastructure Committee – liaison to the Peace Fund, Leah – Elections Committee, Luis – Insurance Company Liaison and member of the Insurance Company Board, and second Board member on the Training & Quality assurance Committee, Juanca – Members’ Rights Task Force liaison, and Daniel, Luis and Soli – International Office Location Study liaisons. (16-17 October minutes)
- Flo will act as a coordinator for an informal group to look at the feasibility of profit-making by CISV; the strategic plan will include this investigation. (16-17 October minutes)
- Our tentative dates for in-person Governing Board meetings in 2015 are March 13-15 and August 2-4. (16-17 October minutes)
- Leah and Gaby are heading a Working Group, which will develop proposals for evaluation processes for the Board and Committees – to be piloted in 2015. We approved the approach and timeline the Working Group proposed. (16-17 October minutes)
- David will be the lead person for Organizational relations on the Board and will work closely with Denise. The development of policy on organizational relations will be a joint project of the Board and senior management team. (16-17 October minutes)
- On the recommendation of the 2014 Election Committee, we see the need for a number of small changes to the current electoral procedures to put to the Members for approval. (16-17 October minutes)
- We approved a best practice guidance document on Committee and Regional Coordinator Communications. (16-17 October minutes)
- In January 2015, we will pilot a year-end report to Members. (16-17 October minutes)
- After considerable work on behalf of Committees, we were able to approve in principle a budget for 2015, with a much reduced deficit. (16-17 October minutes)
- We approved the members of the International Office Location Study Working Group (23 November minutes)
- We will be promoting and explaining the need for full engagement in our on-line voting, following a low level of participation in recent votes.(23 November minutes)
- As the Combined Insurance was not approved by Members, we had to revisit the proposed budget for 2015 (23 November minutes)