CISV believes that the welfare of children is paramount – that is, that their safety and protection always come first in everything we do.

CISV International has a comprehensive Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures document, which is essential to anyone working with CISV in any role. It is important that we all read and understand this policy and the part we each must play to keep children, and each other, safe.

Understanding of the Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and Code of Behaviour for Adults is part of the essential training for CISV volunteers.

We have also produced a Child Friendly version of our safeguarding procedures.

If you have any doubts or any child protection concerns, past or present, please contact us in confidence on

Child Safeguarding Resources

You can download and print a pocket-sized version of the Adult Code of Behaviour, which is handy to keep and carry for easy reference:

We have produced a small range of posters that you can use in camps and sites of other CISV events. Put them up in staff rooms and the back of bathroom doors: