CISV International is excited and pleased to announce the launch of a beautiful new film , produced by our partner organization momondo. Filmed at a Village in Sao Paulo, which was sponsored by momondo, the video follows children as they live and play together and learn about each other. 

To help spread the message beyond the camp, momondo has also created two free educational school activities, designed in partnership with CISV and based on activities run in CISV camps, to help children understand the importance of mutual tolerance and respect.

The activities, Equally Different and Our Colourful World, teach how easy it is to apply (and remove) labels and stereotypes and Open Minds. They include activity sheets, teaching guides, and supplementary short films that illustrate the importance of open-mindedness.

The classroom kits are also available in Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian (versions in other languages will be available in 2018), and you can download them from the links below:

  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Danish
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in English
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Finnish
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in German
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Norwegian
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Portuguese 
  • Full Kit Our Colourful World classroom kit in Spanish


momondo started a collaboration with CISV because we share a mutual interest in creating more tolerance between people and cultures across the world. We share a vision of an open world, where differences are a source of inspiration, and where intercultural meetings between people create more understanding in the world. 

momondo is a free, independent, online travel search engine offering travelers full price transparency on flights, hotels and car-rental.

momondo has its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, and serves and inspires travelers across 32 international markets. Founded in 2006 and grown from a desire to open up the world to everyone,  momondo’s vision is to give courage and encourage each and every one of us to stay curious and open minded, so we can all enjoy a better and more diversified world.

Read more about momondo.

Read more about our partnership.