CISV International Junior Representative Candidates

We are pleased to confirm that there are three candidates for the CISV International Junior Representative (IJR) 2023-2025 Term.  You can find out more about the candidates by reading their questionnaires below.

They are:

We congratulate all the nominees. The IJR candidates will now be part of the International Junior Branch Team and get involved in a number of projects in IJB.


CISV International Junior Representative Election Key Dates

You can find the election procedures in O-15A Info File Election Procedures and Terms of Office: CISV International Junior Representatives (IJR).


15 January – 1 April

Please send nominations to the International Office, for the attention of the Secretary General.


You can send the form by post or by e-mail (details are on the form). Please note, however, that it must be signed by the NJRs.  Electronic signatures will be accepted, but typed names will not.

15 April Candidates have from 1 April to 15 April to accept or decline their nominations. Those who accept become IJR Candidates and will be asked to complete a questionnaire prepared by the current IJRs.
1 May IJR Candidates must submit the IJR Candidate Questionnaire to the Election Chair.  The Election Chair has to distribute all questionnaires no later than 5 May.

5 May – IJBC

All IJR Candidate Questionnaires are distributed.


All Candidates join the IJB Team.

All Candidates join the International Junior Branch Conference (IJBC) Facilitation Team.

May/June/July IJR Candidates will contribute to preparations for IJBC as any other planner.

IJR Candidates will lead the annual quality assurance process by distributing, collecting and analyzing evaluations from Junior Branches.



[prior to the day of the elections] IJR Candidates Questions and Answers session. The role of IJR is explained prior to Q&A.

IJR Elections. The elected IJR starts her/his mandate as soon as IJBC officially finishes.